by admin | Dec 17, 2016 | Five Bullet Friday, News, Profile
Breaking through is sometimes more of an internal accomplishment than an outward reward. Rhimes Lecointe is well recognised, in the UK, for her boundary-expanding choreography and take no prisoners attitude. I can honestly say that this was one of the most touching... by admin | Sep 7, 2016 | Inspiration, Profile
Lively and Funky, you cannot forget the mad antics of Ja Ja AKA ‘Superman’ on America’s Best Dance Crew (ABDC). Ja Ja is much loved worldwide and we are happy to have him tell his story on our Profile series, brought to you by MindLife, healthy in...
by admin | Jul 13, 2016 | idance® Newsletter, Inspiration, News, Profile
For more than 20 years Hakeem Onibudo has been a fixture in the UK Dance scene from his pioneering start at Dance Works to his Red Carpet movie Hosting. But it hasn’t always been easy. Find out what makes Hakeem tick and how he is truly making and Impact in...
by admin | Jul 6, 2016 | career, future, idance® Newsletter, Inspiration, News, Profile
We are so excited to bring an interview with the indefatigable Choreographer/Inspiration known as Margherita “Meg” Vasselli. After 26 Countries, Several TV Shows, and journey through several dance styles, there is little that Meg doesn’t know about...
by admin | Jul 1, 2016 | idance® Newsletter, Inspiration, Nation's Best Dance School, News, Profile
OBEY – A command? A mantra? No matter how you look at it Danni Reid shows how ‘determination’ is bringing her and her South East London troupe to the top of the UK and International Hip Hop Dance scene. idance® presents a moment with Danni Reid, the...
by admin | Jun 29, 2016 | idance® Newsletter, Inspiration, Nation's Best Dance School, News, Profile
It all started in 2005. He had a dream that was shaped over the years and today the dream is named Trouble Dance Company. The company has more than 100 dancers, from beginners to professionals, and the results at the national and international contests show that they...