For more than 20 years
Hakeem Onibudo has been a fixture in the UK Dance scene from his pioneering start at Dance Works to his Red Carpet movie Hosting. But it hasn’t always been easy. Find out what makes Hakeem tick and how he is truly making and Impact in our Profile series brought to you by MindLife, healthy in Body, Healthy in Mind, Healthy in Life.
How long has Impact dance been an organisation?
I started Impact Dance in 1995 at Dance Works
How many dancers do you work with?
In our Youth Company we currently have 16 young dancers aged 11-17
How many dance crews/companies do you run?
Impact Dance is made up of:
- Impact Youth (11-17)
- Fully Functioning Individuals (FFI) 18+
Are there styles other than streetdance that you teach?
We just take a “contemporary” approach to Street Dance.
What inspires you either personally or as a company?
My daughter Nayomi Onibudo aged 8
Kenneth Tharp OBE Chief Executive Place
Anyone doing positive unselfish work to make step change and move the world forward.
Who would you say are your heroes in or out of dance?
Kenneth Tharp
Will Smith
Anyone who has fought RACISM and allowed us African and Caribbean [people] to be able to stand on equal footing.
What special morning routines do you personally follow (breakfast, workout, meditation, whatever)
I try to wake up and not switch any device on including phone radio, TV. [I] just want to hear my own thoughts and what the music inside me says for this particular day.
What book(s) do you most frequently gift to other people?
The Magic of Thinking Big.
The Magic of Thinking Big.
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What would you say is the most important thing you do that makes you successful?
Reflect (and stay humble)
What is your proudest moment?
Reaching 20 years in the dance game…
What is something that people don’t know about you that would surprise them?
I only have partial sight in my right eye as a result of being attacked in 2005
Who do you most want to collaborate with and why?
Jamie Foxx….random one but he is a cool guy.
What is the lowest point you ever fell to as a choreographer/dancer or person and how did you over come?
Someone in the Hip-Hop industry who motivated me to get into Hip-Hop theatre recently stole my thunder by basically saying I wasn’t much cop! I realised that people only take pops at you because you are actually making waves…people ignore bums…so I eventually took it as a compliment.
What do you want to accomplish in the next 5 years?
More diversity in the arts. More profile for Dance of the African Diaspora including Hip-Hop
If people want to get in contact with you what’s the best way?
Holla me on facebook hakeemonibudo twitter @hakeemonibudoinstagram hakeemonibudoor just shout MOTIVATE LEAD and INSPIRE and I will come running.
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