In less than 24 hours this FREE book will be gone. Some people are asking, "Why are you flogging business books?" Some people have even unsubscribed from my newsletter. OK fine, it's not for you. But here's the deal... I want you to be successful in dance. But after...
The Results Are In!
The results are in, and it has been amazing!A big thanks to all the participants in the 2019 Edition of the UK Hip Hop Dance Championships. Over 200 dancers from all over the country participated in one of the closest contests for years. Amazing performances by new...
Possibly the one person that totally changed my life?
I want to tell you a story about a guy I met who changed and is still changing my life…
Happy Mother’s Day
For your role is way more important than you think...
Our two main men taking centre stage #idance #hiphopinternationaluk
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If you stumble, make it a part of your dance #idance
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Swoosh & the crew dancing to their own rhythm #idance
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And straight after first class it’s going to be @mariabudolak #dancehall + #afro class. You don’t want to miss that! Be ready at 11:15 ??#Idance #ukhhdch2018 #ukhiphopdancechampionship
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