On January 3, 2020, we hosted the first ever Hip Hop International Official Rules and Regulations Workshop. The Hip Hop International Judging System has long been recognised, and copied, as the first, best, and most robust judging system for street dance crew competitions, anywhere in the world.
The course was conducted by Hip Hop International Elite Judge, and UK Celebrity choreographer Del Mak, whose work included award winning dance films, choreograhy and direction on Got To Dance, iconic TV commercials for Cadbury's, judging in the USA on 'America's Best' and many, many, more.
This year, 13 UK dancers, teachers, and choreographers took the course to further their development toward becoming champions at HHI, better teachers, and future Judges in the HHI System.
The HHI System is known for its 'Cheater Defeater' Technologies that assure that a fairer result even if one of the judges is a choreographer for a competing piece — but we avoid that scenario ;).
The content of the course included:
- How to look at choreographed dance routines from the judges point of view
- The top tips to maximise your total score, and
- How our ‘Cheater Defeater’ Technologies work –our combination of software and science to ensure bias is virtually eliminated EVEN IF the Judge choreographed YOUR COMPETITORS routine
- How you can maximise your techincal score
- How you can minimise penalties
- How to protect your performance in the event of a technical error
- What to do in the event of an injury
- The top mistakes people make when costuming
- and much, much more!
We are so excited to introduce the first group of graduates of the Hip Hop International Official Rules and Regulations workshop.
We look forward to watching our first graduates as they develop, and for those who are planning to judge we look forward to seeing them at one of our events real soon.
Thank you Del Mak for the course and Amanda Wilson for assisting. onecountryoneteam #goforgold #hhiuk #idance #hiphopinternational #streetdance #youbethejudge #dominatethecompetition #goforgold2020 #ukhhdc #unitedkingdom #hiphopdance #represent #ukstreetdance #ukdance #UKHipHopDanceChampionships #UKStreetDanceChallenge