If one really wishes to be a master of an art

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If one really wishes to be a master of an art technical knowledge of it is not enough. One has to transcend technique so that the art becomes an ‘artless art’ growing out of the Unconscious. – Daisetz T. Suzuki

How do you know if your dance school is teaching you to dance?

Since 2004 All across the UK hundreds if not thousands of dance schools have been created or started offerning street dance. idance studios we are the original street dance experts and our results are all the proof you need.

Students and former dance company members of Omar Paloma Founder of idance®:

Andy Instone – Urban Strides
Kristina Demou
Simeon Qysea
Chloe Campbell
Sisco Gomez
Anthony Kaye
Dominic Daniels
Darron Gifty
Kieran Daley-Ward
and more…