by opaloma | May 11, 2023 | Business, Inspiration, Inspirational, marketing
If you’re a dance studio owner You’ve probably experienced the challenge and reward of attracting and retaining students. Having new students walk through your door is thrilling, but watching them stay and learn with your team is even more satisfying. To keep your... by admin | Dec 29, 2016 | Classes, Inspiration, Inspirational
Ya gotta have soul! Join our classes at Locking4Life Tributes presents: JAMES BROWN – THE GODFATHER OF… Locking4Life Tributes presents: JAMES BROWN THE GODFATHER OF SOUL Directed by: Gemini Lockiano Edited by:... by admin | Sep 7, 2016 | Inspiration, Profile
Lively and Funky, you cannot forget the mad antics of Ja Ja AKA ‘Superman’ on America’s Best Dance Crew (ABDC). Ja Ja is much loved worldwide and we are happy to have him tell his story on our Profile series, brought to you by MindLife, healthy in... by admin | Sep 5, 2016 | career, dance, Fitness, idance® Newsletter, Inspiration, negativity, UK Hip Hop Dance Championships, Workshops, World Hip Hop Dance Championships
Wicked and LAZY I was just thinking about how I could tell the story a little better, I mean, who has the time to read a ton of text and who can tell if it’s even true. So I decided to let Parris Goebel tell you. Warning: If you are not interested in being...
by admin | Aug 10, 2016 | idance® Newsletter, Inspiration, News
Oh the summer is here and time for an AWESOME dance flicks here is a nostalgic look back at some favourites all available on amazon too. Comment below. What are your favourites? 10 How She Move Get it now [easyazon_image align=”none”...
by admin | Jul 13, 2016 | idance® Newsletter, Inspiration, News, Profile
For more than 20 years Hakeem Onibudo has been a fixture in the UK Dance scene from his pioneering start at Dance Works to his Red Carpet movie Hosting. But it hasn’t always been easy. Find out what makes Hakeem tick and how he is truly making and Impact in...